Visitor Attraction Website Survey Report is out!
From Clicks to Conversions:
Website Optimisation and Visitor Engagement
Read the last exclusive report about Visitor Attraction Website
And discover the following metrics:
Add to basket rate
Cart abandonment rate
Bounce rate
Conversion rate
Load Times
2023 Visitor Attraction Website Report - RubberCheese
For the second year running, benchmarks related specifically to the visitor attraction sector have been established. This means you now have a more accurate picture of what good looks like, allowing for better decision making with genuine insight.

Download the report
"Having a survey and report such as this for our industry is incredibly helpful. We are evermore reliant on our digital platforms, so ensuring we are continually improving on performance and customer experience is fundamental. I encourage everyone to complete the survey this year, as the greater the pool of participants the more viable and valuable the survey results will be."
Lucy Downing
Head of Marketing at Holkham Estate

"I have to say the Rubber Cheese Annual Website Report was such a game changer last year for us. It allowed us to benchmark where we were and more importantly look at the data and trends in the UK to see how we can optimise our website and digital marketing more efficiently. Couldn’t recommend this enough."
Dominic Jones
Chief Executive at the Mary Rose Trust

“Our report provided marketing professionals within the industry with a more accurate picture of what good looks like across similar attraction websites.”
Kelly Molson
Founder of Rubber Cheese